
Kosher food adheres to the dietary regulations set forth in Jewish law, but many people follow the guidelines for nonreligious reasons as well. There are various health benefits of eating kosher, and many types of cuisine already fall under this category. Review this brief guide to learn more about this categorization. 

What to Know About Kosher Food

What makes food kosher?

There are certain key rules for food to be given this distinction, such as the separation of dairy and meat, both when cooking and consuming. This ensures that food stays pure and doesn’t become contaminated according to Jewish dietary traditions.

The term “pareve” refers to other food items, including fish, eggs, and plant-based ingredients. Also, fresh fruits and vegetables shouldn't contain insects. In order for frozen or canned products to be given the seal of approval, they can't be prepared with anything considered nonkosher. Similar rules apply to bread, grains, and processed oils.  

How are kitchen equipment and utensils prepared?


It's important to cook with approved equipment and cookware. Kashering is the process of making a kitchen comply with Jewish law. It includes thoroughly cleaning the space, designating separate areas for the preparation of dairy and meat, and even buying new dishware and cookware. Utensils are purified by heating them with a blowtorch or soaking them in boiling water. 

Is faux meat acceptable?

It's possible for faux meat to fall under this category. For example, soy is pareve because it contains no meat or dairy. This ingredient is often used to make dishes such as veggie burgers and fake dairy products. What's important is that these plant-based meats don't come in contact with any animal byproducts. 

What are the health benefits?

This way of eating can be healthier for different reasons. People with food allergies may prefer it because products are less likely to be contaminated by nuts or dairy. 

Also, these food items have to be labeled if they were in contact with meat or dairy. This is ideal for vegetarians and vegans who want to ensure that no animal byproducts sneak into their diets. Consuming more fruits, vegetables, and grains that tend to be naturally kosher can help contribute to a healthier lifestyle.


Get a taste of the delicious kosher dishes offered at Jungle Cafe in North Brooklyn, New York. They serve a variety of vegan dishes that are free of animal products. They also offer gluten-free options. Choose from salads, breakfast entrees, and burritos. Call (347) 987-4981 to place an order, or view their menu online.
