
Being a good member of the Catholic Church doesn't require excessive amounts of time and wealth. To accomplish this goal, you only need to be mindful of God and the goodness of your daily actions. With the guide below, discover the methods that allow you to express and support your values.

3 Ways to Uphold Your Catholic Values Daily

1. Pray

Even on the most hectic days, you can make time to pray. Practice this act at any point of the day, whether in the morning, before a meal, or after getting into bed. No matter the time, you simply need to take a moment to reflect on the positives in your life. When praying, thank God for what he has provided for you. He doesn't require a grand gesture, as a few small but meaningful words are often enough.

2. Help Others

Catholic church

As a Catholic, you likely enjoy sharing God's love with the rest of the world. The best way to do so is by being proactive about making unselfish decisions and assisting others when the opportunity arises. 

Small steps you can take include helping a senior load their groceries outside a store or completing a chore for your roommate or partner without being asked. Even the most minor action can significantly impact someone else's day and make their life easier. 

3. Read and Contemplate

You don't need to read an entire chapter to learn something meaningful from the Bible. Instead, go through a few verses in the morning. This act will give you something to think about throughout the day and let you dwell on your faith. It also provides the chance to wonder about the deeper meanings behind God's word. The more familiar you are with His teachings, the better you can uphold the values of the Catholic Church daily.


If you're looking for a welcoming Catholic Church to exercise your faith, visit St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish in Kapaa, HI. This church is a part of the biggest local parish on Kauai and invites people from all walks of life to experience their sermons. Call (808) 822-7900 for any questions or to receive advice from a church member. You can also visit their website to learn about joining the Catholic lifestyle.
