
Wisconsin has an abundance of unique and useful plant life. If you're interested in herbal medicine and natural remedies, you can find many plants with a variety of uses throughout the state. This guide points out plants with medicinal uses that grow in Wisconsin. 

What Plants With Medical Qualities Can You Forage?

1. Purslane

Purslane is a highly common weed that often sprouts in sidewalk cracks or in beds of wood chips. It's a common component of Greek cuisine, where it's usually paired with feta cheese or used in gyros. The taste is similar to green beans. Nutrition-wise, this plant is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These acids help with brain development and eye health, and can reduce the risk of inflammatory illnesses. 


2. Chamomile 

Chamomile is known for its soothing properties. This gentle plant is used as a sleep aid and can help with treating the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It's extremely mild so it's safe for babies and children, as well. Chamomile grows in wild and urban areas. The plants have small, yellow flowers and a distinctive, pleasant scent. 

3. Stinging Nettle 

People often avoid this plant because of the unpleasant reaction it causes when it comes into contact with the skin. However, stinging nettle has nutritious qualities that make it ideal for herbal medicine applications. You can boil the nettle to make tea or create a tincture from the leaves. This plant is an abundant source of calcium, which is a mineral that strengthens bones and contributes to your overall health. 

4. Elderberries

Elderflowers and the berries are the only parts of this plant that are edible. Don't eat the plant raw, as this could cause serious health problems. Instead, boil or cook the plants first. Cooked elderberries are excellent for the immune system. You can also make an elderberry tincture for an effective cold and flu treatment. 


Find the herbal medicines you need at Aurora's Apothecary in Appleton, WI. This unique store carries a variety of botanical products along with herbal remedies, divination supplies,  books, and other useful items. They serve customers throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Learn more about the supplies they carry online or speak with them directly by calling (920) 358-7080.
