
It’s never too early to start winterizing your property, particularly cold-sensitive features like concrete. When temperatures drop, ice expands inside tiny fissures in paved areas, expanding small cracks into large ones. This lowers your property’s functionality and curb appeal. Moisture may also upset the soil below and render concrete unsafe to walk on. Here are a few ways a concrete contractor can help you prepare for winter weather.

How to Bolster Your Concrete

1. Correct Drainage Issues

The next time it rains, look for signs of puddling on your concrete. If your downspouts are depositing water onto the pavement, it may be necessary to redirect them to channel their contents into grassy areas. If depressions in the surface are collecting moisture, a concrete contractor can resurface or level the pavement to prevent ice damage.

concrete contractor

2. Patch & Repair

Inspect your concrete for cracks, spalling, or flaking. Fill in any small cracks with a flexible concrete sealant which will expand and contract with the concrete as temperatures change. 

A concrete contractor will probably have to inspect large cracks or gaps for structural instabilities before repairing or repaving the area. They will use a concrete resurfacer to repair spalling damage. 

First, they’ll scrub and pressure wash the affected area thoroughly to remove dirt, grease, and debris. The resurfacer won’t bond as tightly to a dirty surface. Then, they’ll apply and smooth the resurfacer with a long-handled squeegee to restore the concrete.

3. Reseal

Concrete is porous, meaning water can penetrate it and lead to irreparable damage. For that reason, paved surfaces must be sealed periodically to block moisture. Many sealants last for up to five years. If it’s been several years since a concrete contractor addressed your driveway, patio, or walkway, schedule a resealing appointment before winter arrives.


Denver, CO, homeowners can count on Advanced Concrete Lifting Inc. to prepare their concrete for harsh winter weather. These concrete contractors offer affordable, effective solutions to restore and protect paved surfaces using a wide variety of eco-friendly materials. Call (720) 697-8207 to request a free estimate. Learn more about their services online.
