
Farms require a great deal of electricity, which may need to be distributed over hundreds of acres. Solar energy may be the ideal solution for your needs, lowering your operating costs and environmental impact. Below are a few reasons why you should invest in solar panels for your farm.

How Solar Energy Benefits Farms

1. Cost Savings

Utility expenses for agricultural operations can be hefty, especially if you have several buildings and processing machines. Installing solar panels can essentially eliminate your utility expenses, and the initial investment may pay for itself after just a few years. Having your own power generation system also insulates you from future price increases, which provides long-term financial benefits.

2. Environmental Friendliness

Farms are close to nature, so the effects of the climate can be especially obvious and severe. Solar energy reduces the demand for fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. For many farmers, promoting a healthy environment is an investment in the long-term stability of the entire industry.

3. Increased Marketing Potential

solar energy

Today’s consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of food production. Powering your farm with solar energy allows you to market yourself as a green organization, making your products more attractive to environmentally conscious shoppers and stores.

4. Year-Round Power

Many of today’s solar energy systems feature high-capacity batteries that store excess energy produced on sunny days. These batteries provide the power you need to run your farm at night or on cloudy days. This is especially important during harvest season, when you might have equipment running around-the-clock.

5. Energy for Distant Areas

If you have a building or piece of equipment located miles away from your primary electrical system, you may have to run a separate power line or install a diesel generator. This isn't just expensive; it can also contribute to both soil and air pollution.

Solar panels offer a much more cost-effective, efficient approach. Instead of building out your power grid, you can place dedicated panels at each location, essentially giving each building its own source of power.


With years of experience and access to some of the most advanced equipment in the industry, Global Energy provides customized solutions to agricultural operations throughout Roseville, CA. Whether you run a large operation or a small family farm, their experts will make the transition to solar easy and stress-free. Visit their website to learn more about solar energy in the agricultural field, or call (844) 979-1712 to discuss your needs with a friendly team member.
