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4 Tips for Hosting Guests Without Hosting Insects, Rodents and Other Pests 


Are you worried about uninvited guests ruining an upcoming gathering? If those unwelcome guests are insects or rodents, you may need to work out some offensive and defensive strategies to keep those icky visitors from spoiling your social events. Thankfully, figuring out those strategies can be effortless if you keep these pest-repelling tips from Transparent Cleaning Co. in mind. 


Declutter and Deep Clean Your Home 


You may not find cleaning up as magical as other folks do, but if you are having a problem with pests and insects, you may want to pay attention to decluttering and cleaning tips. Any clutter in your home can also provide a convenient spot for creepy crawly creatures to get cozy. If that makes your skin crawl, then you should try to keep your home organized and tidy. 


Start by investing in filing cabinets and other organizational tools, and then pull out any excess junk that may be hiding in the corners of your home. You can also get rid of junk tech and old furniture, since pests can hide in these items as well. Be sure to go through your kitchen cabinets and pantries, too, and be mindful of opened boxes and bags. Apartment Therapy explains that pantry moths love to make themselves at home in boxes of cereal and grains, and they are notoriously hard to get rid of.  


Also consider discarding all the paper that’s piled up over time, including old newspapers and magazines. Paperwork like invoices, bill statements and receipts, which you may want to access at a later date, can be cleaned up and organized by digitizing them and using an easy PDF compressor to shrink the file size. A smaller file means you save space in your cloud or hard drive storage, plus it’s easier to send via email if needed.


Use Pest-Repelling Plants and Scents 


If you don’t want to worry about mosquitoes or other bugs invading your house party, you should think about looking for natural ways to keep these pests out of your home. For example, you could pick up a few pest-repelling house plants before your guests arrive. Fragrant herbs like basil, rosemary, lavender and sage all work wonders for keeping flies and other bugs at bay, plus you can use these tasty herbs to add some flavor to your party dishes. In addition to herbs and plants, Family Handyman lists other natural remedies you can try to keep your home pest-free. 


If you suspect that rodents or bugs are coming in from the outside, try placing some used coffee grounds near those spots. Many pests can be deterred by the strong smell of coffee, although apple cider vinegar, banana peels, and other scents can also help repel common pests. 


Wash All Bedding for Overnight Guests 


If your houseguests plan on spending the night, you have to wash your sheets. Washing sheets frequently can cut down on the amount of dust mites, and most experts recommend washing bedding, including pillows and mattress pads, at least every two weeks. If you or your guests tend to sweat a lot or come down with a cold, it’s a good idea to wash bedding in hot water more frequently. 


In order to protect you and your guests from common bedroom pests, it can also be helpful to know the differences between bed bugs and dust mites. Dust mites are pests that are present in nearly every home, and cleaning can usually prevent and get rid of them, while bed bug infestations may require even more dedicated preventative and extermination tactics


Call an Exterminator for Problem Pests 


When you’ve tried every trick in the book and you are still having a problem with pests, insects, or even rodents, it may be time to call in professionals. If you are dealing with rats or mice, you can take some steps before your appointment to maximize the effectiveness of pest prevention services. 


Start by properly sealing any jars or containers of food in your cabinets and pantry. If you have food that is in plastic bags, consider switching those bags out for glass or hard plastic containers. Rodents have special teeth that can see right through thin plastic and paper, so taking this added measure may keep more rodents from entering your home. 


Nothing kills the buzz of a party quite like the sight of bugs or other pests. So before your invited guests arrive, use the tips above to keep those unwanted visitors out. That way, you can focus on having fun instead of worrying about creepy pests crawling around your home. 

Photo Credit: Pexels
