
Becoming a SWAT officer demonstrates your commitment to keeping the community safe. To ensure you can perform well in intense pressure situations, you need the right tactical gear. If you’re new to this position and want to learn more about the kind of equipment you need to protect yourself, here’s what you should know.

What Tactical Gear Do SWAT Officers Need?

1. Lights

If you’re on the job at night or need to take action in a dimly lit home or building, having the right illumination can make it easier to spot targets, identify movement, and keep you and others safe. Tactical gear like small flashlights or wristlights can give you the sight you need without alerting anyone to your presence. Any handheld options you consider should be correctly sized to fit on your vest or belt without affecting your mobility.

2. Pouches

tactical gear

With all the tactical gear needed to do the job effectively, you need adequate space to carry the equipment. Pouches on a vest or pants can hold essentials like medical supplies and flares, making them easily accessible in an emergency. Manufacturers design these for specific items, so make sure to get the ones appropriately sized for the gear you’ll be carrying.

3. Binoculars

If you’re working in an open area with a lot of space, you may need to be able to see what’s happening a considerable distance away. Improving your vision with magnification tools makes it easier to survey your surroundings and make the right tactical decisions. 

An accurate set of binoculars or sights can help you view objects or people closeup from a safe location. Some options even attach to helmets, allowing you to use the tactical gear while lying down or holding other items.


If you’re looking for additional supplies to help you perform your duties as a SWAT officer, check out the tactical gear at Centurion SWAT in Phoenix, AZ. This store ships nationwide, allowing law enforcement personnel across the country to get the tools they need to keep themselves and their communities safe. Whether you’re looking for wristlights, a pair of iron sights, or pouches to carry accessories, they have an impressive selection of equipment from some of the leading manufacturers. Call (623) 230-7837 if you have questions about their products, or visit their website to see their inventory of tactical gear.
