
The changing colors of leaves are refreshing sights each autumn, as trees shed their foliage to prepare for winter. However, these fallen leaves can quickly become problems for homeowners whose properties are left looking untidy. Luckily, including leaf raking in your fall lawn care efforts will leave your yard looking neat and clean and can help ensure that you have a vibrant crop of grass when spring returns. Here's a guide to help you understand some of the top benefits of raking this fall.

Why Is Raking Leaves Important?

1. Ensure Healthy Grass Growth

Lawns require a regular supply of moisture, fresh air, and sunlight to remain healthy and resilient. When leaves accumulate on grass, they form a heavy, wet barrier as they absorb condensation and cut off the lawn from vital sun, air, and water supplies. The deprived grass will then be more likely to die off in large patches, leaving your lawn looking sparse. Removing leaves will give the grass enough time to store up nutrients and energy to ensure it returns in full, verdant health when spring arrives.

2. Take Advantage of Nutrient-Rich Leaves

lawn care

While fallen leaves pose a number of problems for your lawn, they can also help your lawn grow more reliably when ground into a nutrient-rich mulch. Run your lawnmower over leaves to shred them and rake up the resulting mulch for use in flower and plant beds. You can also leave a portion of the shredded leaves on the lawn. As they decompose, they’ll add nutrients to the grass and soil without forming a harmful barrier on the surface.

3. Deter Pests & Diseases

Layers of wet, dark leaves are the perfect environments for pests such as cockroaches and rodents. The longer these unwelcome visitors are near your home, the more likely they are to make their way indoors in search of food and shelter before winter temperatures set in.

Additionally, dense leaf coverage can encourage the growth of fungi and bacteria, which can lead to diseases in your grass, resulting in bare patches as the grass dies off. This can leave unwanted and unsightly fungal and plant species in their place. To simplify your lawn care efforts in both the fall and the spring, keep your property as free of leaves as possible by raking every week.


If you’re having trouble finding time to rake up leaves this fall, Vanta Outdoors LLC is here to help. Located in Colorado Springs, CO, this team of lawn care experts offers comprehensive services to area homeowners, from raking and aeration to snow removal and fertilization. To receive your free estimate today, call them at (719) 322-4315 or visit them online.
