
As a business owner, you know an employee can suffer a work-related injury at any time. Workplace accidents range from minor cuts to catastrophic injuries that change lives permanently. Here are a few common causes of accidents and ways to reduce the risk of harm.  

3 Common Ways a Work-Related Injury Can Happen

1. Slips and Falls

Workplace injuries and workers' compensation claims result most often from slips, trips, and falls. The result might be a mild ankle sprain, a fractured or broken limb, or a head injury. Slipping on a wet, icy, or oily floor, tripping due to poor lighting or trash on walkways, or a fall from a ladder or scaffolding are common ways work-related injuries occur. Maintaining good lighting in all areas of the facility, keeping walkways clean and dry, and following the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) requirements help your employees and premises stay safe. 

2. Motor Vehicle Collisions and Crashes 

work-related injury

Driving or working near motor vehicles creates the risk of injury if a collision or crash happens. Whether the incident involves a forklift, delivery van, golf cart, or tractor-trailer, the resulting work-related injury can lead to medical expenses and time lost from the job. Employees should never operate a motor vehicle when drowsy, distracted, or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications. Wearing seat belts, being aware of surroundings, and obeying traffic and safety regulations save lives and protect property.     

3. Overexertion Injuries 

Workers in retail stores, warehouses, and offices are among those employees who experience injuries from overexertion. A single event can lead to these on-the-job injuries, such as an employee experiencing a back injury when lifting a heavy item or bending, standing, or jumping. Alternatively, the injury can develop over time, due to a repeated movement, such as performing assembly line tasks or having poor posture when using a computer. 

Simple muscle strains can heal in several weeks, while repetitive strain injuries (RSI) might lead to long-term pain and disability. Performing physical tasks with the correct posture and movement and taking breaks help avoid acute and chronic pain due to an overexertion injury.


When you need a clinic to examine or test employees who suffer work-related accidents, turn to Affinity Industrial Medicine. Based in Monroe, AL, this medical clinic serves local employers with comprehensive employee exams and screenings. Their staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about OSHA regulations and compliance. For convenient access to their service request form, visit them online. To obtain more information, call (318) 812-7559. 
