
Today, there are more options than ever to create wheelchair accessible vehicles. Not only can you purchase a car or bus with a lift already installed, but you can add one to your existing automobile. If you have a loved one with mobility issues, this type of equipment offers them multiple benefits, including the following.

Why Use a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle With a Lift?

1. Easy Loading and Unloading

When entering most vehicles, a wheelchair user needs to get out of the chair and into the car’s seat. Meanwhile, their equipment gets loaded separately. Even if the individual has enough mobility to do this themselves, it can be tiring, and loading the wheelchair is often a strain. A lift eliminates these extra steps, as the person and the chair go into the car together and leave the same way.

2. Improved Comfort and Safety

wheelchair accessible vehicles

Most wheelchairs are carefully tailored to the person using them. They offer back and limb support absent in most car seats, with each component the perfect size for the user’s body. 

With vehicle lifts, disabled loved ones don’t have to sacrifice comfort during a trip. Remaining seated in their wheelchairs also makes it easier for them to stay upright while braking and turning. Additionally, it’s safer in a crash for those who may not fit as expected in a standard car seat.

3. Flexible Installation Options

Currently, there is a wide range of wheelchair accessible vehicles. Lifts can be installed near side doors or back hatches. They can even be mounted externally or internally. These types of equipment have gotten lighter and less bulky over time, so they can fit in smaller cars and leave more standard seats intact. As a result, these options are quickly becoming more realistic for families across the country.


If you want a wheelchair accessible vehicle to accommodate a loved one with mobility issues, choose Soderholm Bus & Mobility in Honolulu, HI. This local, family-owned business has over 30 years of history providing wheelchair lift repair and installation. They also offer a wide range of vehicles with accessibility features already installed and are the only fully licensed, full-service paratransit dealer in Hawaii. To learn more about what they have to offer, visit their website or call (808) 834-1417.
