
Your children look to you for guidance, even when they’re teenagers, so it's important to discuss elements that affect any part of their life. One crucial topic is smoking — it can have a range of adverse and even fatal consequences. Pedodontic Associates, Hawaii's premier pediatric dentists on Oahu and Maui, provides top-quality dental care for kids and explains what to tell your child about smoking’s effect on their oral health.

3 Facts to Tell Your Teen About Smoking’s Impact on Dental Care

It Damages Your Gums

It’s important to discuss how smoking and tobacco affect your gums. Tobacco reduces blood flow to the tissue and raises the temperature of the mouth, killing cells that are critical to keeping gums healthy. This can lead to gum recession, bone deterioration, and tooth loss.

It Causes Bad Breath & Stained Teeth

Dental care Honolulu Kahului Aiea HITell your teenager each time they inhale cigarette smoke or chew tobacco, their breath is ruined by nicotine and tar contained in those products. While brushing can provide temporary relief, it only masks the odor from bacteria that cling to your teeth, gums, and cheeks after using tobacco. Quitting is the only way to get rid of the smell.

It Contributes to Oral Cancer

Tobacco is a major cause of oral cancer in the mouth and throat. Nicotine is an addictive substance that raises your risk of cancer by inducing long-term chewing or smoking of tobacco. The best way to prevent oral cancer is to stop using tobacco in any form and have an examination by a dental care professional to ensure you have no symptoms of the disease.

If you live on Oahu or Maui and need a pediatric dentist, you can count on the professionals at Pedodontic Associates. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 735-1733 in Honolulu, (808) 487-7933 in Aiea, or (808) 877-0066 in Kahului. Visit their website for more information about their dental care services. Check their Google+ page for news and tips from their team.
