
While a house should have a consistent temperature throughout, it’s not uncommon to walk from room to room and experience cold spots. You may think it comes down to your home insulation, but the truth is there are many factors that contribute to drafty zones. Identifying the cause of the problem will ensure all indoor areas remain at a cozy temperature while also saving you money on your heating bills. The following guide outlines what you should know about cold spots in your house.

A Guide to Dealing With Cold Spots in Your House

What Causes Cold Spots?

Cold spots can occur if air ducts are dirty, as debris buildup can prevent airflow in certain rooms. Ducts with cracks or holes also won't work properly, allowing warm air to escape before it reaches its intended destination.

Inadequate insulation around ductwork can cause unnecessary heat transfer as warm air is carried away from the HVAC system. Loose seals around doors and windows and low-quality insulation throughout the home or in certain rooms can also cause drafts that lead to cold spots.

Home insulation

The thermostat's location may also be the reason for indoor cold spots. If the device is in a room that gets more sun exposure or better air circulation, the space is likely to warm up faster than other areas of the house. Once the thermostat reaches the set temperature, it will turn off before other rooms can reach the desired setting.

How Do You Eliminate Cold Spots?

When it comes time to turn your heat on, make sure all vents are open, clear, and clean. Move any obstructions—like furniture, rugs, or curtains—out of the way so air can circulate freely.

Go from room to room and check the windows and doors to ensure all features are properly caulked, sealed, and weatherstripped. Run your hand along window frames to feel if cool air is seeping inside. If you feel cold air, fix the gaps and cracks before winter hits. Consider having a professional come in the fall to inspect your home insulation, as well. They can tell you if the insulative material is up to par or if it's nearing the end of its life span and needs replacement.

If you know your thermostat is in a naturally warmer room, you may want to invest in a zoning system. This type of setup has multiple thermostats in different rooms, so each area can be set at its ideal temperature.


If you need help with your home insulation, count on the professionals at Koala Insulation of Chester County in Exton, PA. This locally owned and operated business serves residents in Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties, and their team is dedicated to going the extra mile and providing quick response times. They offer blown-in and batt insulation, as well as insulation removal and air sealing to keep your home energy-efficient year-round. Visit the website for more information, or call (484) 727-8403 to schedule a consultation.
