
Creating an energy-efficient living space is a top priority for many homeowners. It helps cut down on energy usage, subsequently reducing utility expenses and environmental impact. There are many ways to increase household efficiency, but two of the most effective projects include adding new home insulation or replacing old windows. The following guide explains which of these options will ultimately result in the greatest cost savings and give you the best return on your investment.

How Do You Decide Between New Home Insulation or New Windows?

Insulation Installation 

An essential factor in conserving energy is how well the entire structure is sealed. Since the walls make up a large portion of your house, it is where a significant amount of heat and air conditioning escapes. Improving your home insulation levels will help seal these areas tightly, resulting in less energy loss. 

Additionally, since the air in your living space naturally flows from the ground upwards, you need to make sure the attic and roof are adequately insulated. Although adding material to these areas comes with more significant upfront costs, a product with a higher R-value will perform better and help you save money in the long run. Insulation R-value measures how well batting, spray foam, and other options block heat transfer. It is estimated that installing new or additional insulation can offer an average savings of 15% to 20% on heating and cooling bills

Replacement Windows

home insulation

While new windows will help hold in heat and decrease energy consumption, the money you would spend on replacements doesn't generally yield the same energy-saving benefits as adding insulation. Windows only account for a small area of a home's surface, and as a result, less energy is lost through glass compared to the walls.

When you replace these features with efficient Energy Star® models, you can save up to 12% on energy costs while simultaneously reducing your carbon footprint. Window projects are typically also quoted higher than insulation installations, making them a less cost-effective choice overall.


If you’re considering a home insulation upgrade, turn to Koala Insulation of Chester County. This locally owned and operated company is proud to serve customers throughout Exton, PA, operating as the area’s leading resource for energy-saving household improvements. They offer a variety of high-quality insulation options, and their team will use its industry expertise to help determine the right product for your home's needs. Call (484) 727-8403 to schedule an estimate, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
