
Extensions add length, volume, and dimension to your hair. However, if you don't store your clip-in extensions properly, you may not have the desired effect when you use them in the future. Therefore, it's critical to safely store your hair extensions so that they retain their shape, color, and texture. Here are a few suggestions for storing these hair products. 

How to Store Hair Extensions 

1. Brush Them Beforehand 

Unbraided extensions should always be brushed before you store them so that the hair doesn't get tangled. You can use a standard brush or buy a specialty brush for extensions. With either tool, start at the ends and gently work your way upward to detangle any knots. Be gentle as you brush each weft since you don't want to cause breakage or shedding. After you've brushed through each section, start at the top and gently work your way through the entire weft. 

2. Consider Extension Hangers 

hair extensions

If you have long extensions, you may want to store them on specialty extension hangers. These devices often have teeth that grip onto the top of the weft, and they come with protective bags that have a zippered closure. The top of the protective bag is a hanger that fits on a standard closet rod. If you use a hanger device, be sure that the extensions are completely dry before placing them inside. You don't want to end up with mold, mildew, or a musty scent as a result of putting the extensions away damp. 

3. Try a Storage Box or Bag

If you don't have any room to hang extensions, you can use a storage box or bag to keep your extensions safe. Ideally, the container will have a soft interior lining that won't damage or snag the hairs. Make sure to place the extensions carefully inside so that they don't get tangled, and put the box or bag in a secure area where it won't get moved. If you don't wear your extensions very often, remove them from the container every once in awhile to brush and air them out. This will keep the wefts in good shape for the future. 


If you are interested in hair extensions or extension care products, visit Orange Beauty in St. Louis, MO. This store carries hair products and equipment, such as styling tools, dyes, and hair accessories. They also have a wide range of beauty supplies, including makeup and skin care products. Visit the store or give them a call at (314) 282-0936 to speak with a member of their team. 
