
If you smelled something burning near a plugged appliance or noticed scorch marks on an outlet, you might have a burnt outlet. These problems can be serious, requiring immediate electrical repair from a professional, so it's important to understand what you're dealing with. While an electrician will assess the outlet and find the right solution, here are a few potential explanations to prepare you for service.

3 Possible Causes of Burnt Outlets

1. Faulty Wiring

Electrical systems should allow electricity to flow constantly to plugged appliances. However, the connection can be severed if the wiring is damaged in any way, such as if wires loosened or became frayed due to a pest infestation.

Arcing occurs when sparks fly through the air between two conductors or wires. These sparks generate heat, which can burn through the outlet's plastic components. A technician needs to inspect the wiring to determine if it requires electrical repair or replacement.

electrical repair

2. Loose Plug

Loose plugs on appliances can also cause arcing, burning the connected outlets. Sparks can be generated if the plug's prongs are not fully connected to the outlet's contact points for any reason, including when a prong is bent. 

Inspect the prongs in any appliances connected to the affected outlet. If the plug is loose or damaged, avoid using and replace the appliance.

3. Overloaded Circuit

When an outlet has too many power strips and appliances plugged into it, the electricity flowing through might exceed the outlet's capacity. Too much power flowing at once can overheat the wiring and other metal parts, eventually burning the outlet. 

It’s best to limit the number of appliances plugged into a single outlet to avoid going beyond the outlet’s capacity. If you’re unsure how many you can plug in, have an electrician check the outlet. They can also install additional outlets to help you avoid overloading existing ones.


If you have outlet troubles, the experienced technicians at SilverCon Electrical Contracting will determine the root cause and provide needed electrical repairs. This trusted contractor has provided residential services in Monmouth County, NJ, for over 20 years. There are electricians, project managers, and electrical engineers on the team to help with projects of all sizes. Learn more about their work online, or call (732) 620-1394 for a free estimate.
