
A circuit breaker manages the flow of electricity and cuts it off when necessary to prevent fires and shocks. However, ones that routinely trip can be frustrating and leave you without electrical access until you can reset the connection. If you're experiencing this problem in your home, here's what you should know about tripping breakers and how an electrician can help.

Why Do Your Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping?

1. Overloaded Circuits

An overload happens when electrical currents larger than what the circuit can handle are drawn through the wires. A single circuit may be supplying power to several outlets and switches, which can overtax the circuit and cause it to trip. Have an electrician test for an overload and update your home's wiring if necessary to accommodate extra circuits.

2. Short Circuits

A short occurs when active and neutral wires touch, generating currents too large for the circuit. This surge forces the breaker to disconnect the flow of electricity to that circuit.


When this happens repeatedly, there can be a few possible causes, including loose connections, damaged wires, or faulty electrical switches, plugs, or cords. An electrician can trace the shorting circuit to its source and identify the best solution.

3. Ground Faults

When an active electrical wire makes contact with the ground, it produces a ground fault, forcing large amounts of current through the circuits and making them trip. Certain areas of the home, like kitchens and bathrooms, often require ground fault circuit interrupters to prevent this issue. 

However, the problem can still occur in other parts of the home, typically from damaged or defective electrical appliances or devices plugged into an outlet. Ground faults require the immediate attention of an electrician. If the cause is a damaged appliance, you may need to replace it or have the electrician rewire it to prevent another ground fault.


If tripping circuits are frequently interrupting your access to electricity at home, contact SilverCon Electrical Contracting in Verona, NJ. They've provided electrical repairs and installation to homeowners throughout Monmouth County for over 30 years. These licensed, bonded, and insured electricians will carefully examine your system to determine the source of tripping circuits and make the necessary adjustments to ensure you can power your home safely. Call (973) 239-1518 to request a quote, or visit them online to learn more about their residential services.
