
By 2025, almost a quarter of the American workforce will be working from home. If you find yourself in this category, you need a designated office or desk space to perform remote work. Having the right setup will not only enhance productivity but also curb adverse effects on the body that may require treatment from a chiropractor. The following guide outlines how you can arrange your desk ergonomically to prevent back and neck pain.

How to Make Your Workspace Comfortable

1. Use a Laptop or Monitor Stand

Avoid straining your back or neck by keeping the computer monitor about an arm's length away. It should also be situated at eye level to prevent you from hunching over or rounding your neck to gaze downward at the screen. Consider buying a stand for your equipment. If you're using a laptop or tablet, purchase an external keyboard to make typing easier.

2. Buy a Supportive Chair

You need an office chair that supports the natural curvature of the spine. Sitting for long periods often leads to slouching, which can flatten this curve and strain the structures of the lower back. The base should also be adjustable so you can ensure the computer remains at eye level. If a new chair is outside your budget, place a small throw pillow or rolled-up towel behind your lower back to support the lumbar area.

3. Practice Good Posture


Keep your back straight and shoulders rolled back with the elbows bent at 90 degrees. This placement allows the hands to hover over the keyboard and type easily. Adjust the chair's height so that the knees are level with the hips and your feet are touching the ground. 

If you typically field a lot of calls, consider putting them on speaker or using a headset or earbuds. Cradling the phone between your neck and shoulder can pinch the area, leaving it tweaked and in need of treatment from a chiropractor.

4. Think About the Layout 

Designing the layout of your desk to suit your specific needs helps avoid unnecessary stress to the back. For example, if you're constantly reaching for sticky notes or a stapler, try keeping them within reach. This way, you won't continuously strain one side of the body trying to grab them from a far corner of the desk. The keyboard should also be close enough that your forearms remain parallel to the ground and your hands and wrists are flat or angled downward. This prevents shoulder strain and carpal tunnel.


If you're dealing with neck and back pain, the experienced professionals at Northport Chiropractic Centre in Hannibal, MO, can provide relief. This facility offers exceptional care to patients of all ages throughout Marion County. Their team is dedicated to finding you the best solution and treatment option, whether you've sustained a sports injury or been in a car accident. Call (573) 221-2001 to schedule an appointment, and visit them online to learn how these chiropractors can help you improve your posture.
