
Mice are among the most common indoor pests, often entering homes by squeezing their bodies through small openings around doors, vents, and plumbing pipes. Certain household items and substances can make these rodents more likely to infiltrate your residence, especially when outdoor conditions get cold and food becomes scarce during winter. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep them away from your property. Here's what might draw mice to your home and how you can deter them before you need to contact a rodent removal professional.

What Draws Mice Into Homes?

1. Water

Since outdoor conditions can become arid during winter, mice may enter your home in search of fresh drinking water. Leaky plumbing pipes, fixtures, and appliances can cause water to pool onto the floors, making attractive drinking sources for mice. Rodents may also be drawn to pet water bowls or dishes soaking in the sink. Have any plumbing leaks repaired, keep sinks clear of dishes, and remove water from pet bowls at night to keep mice away.

2. Food

rodent removal

Mice are omnivores and opportunistic eaters, meaning they will eat almost any food. In the wild, they consume plants, fruits, and insects, but as these food sources become less readily available during winter, they may become attracted to starchy and protein-rich foods inside your home. You can make mice less inclined to enter by storing grains, cereals, and dry beans in durable plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. After preparing a meal, wipe down counters and stovetops to remove residues that might attract rodents.

3. Paper & Cardboard

Paper towels, toilet paper, and tissue are attractive to mice because they can tear them up and use them as nesting materials, which helps these critters stay warm. They may also chew through cardboard boxes and packaging, using these materials to build nests. You can keep rodents from tampering with paper and cardboard by storing these items in cabinets with securely closing doors or keeping them in plastic tubs with tight-fitting lids.

4. Clutter & Trash

Mice may be drawn to stacks of newspapers, magazines, and recyclables in and around your home, as they can build nests among the clutter without being noticed. Rodents may also detect odors of food scraps in trash bins and feed on discarded meats, veggies, and grains. Take out the trash and clear out piles of clutter on a daily basis to reduce the risk of an infestation requiring professional rodent removal services.


If you have mice in your home, contact Kidwell Pest Management LLC in Ashley, OH. This pest control company offers insect and rodent removal services to clients throughout Marion, Greater Columbus, and surrounding areas. Call (740) 417-7220 to book an appointment for pest removal, and visit the website to learn more about how they can help. 
