
The railroads are a vital component of commerce in the United States, but the labor of railroad workers can be dangerous, even when accounting for strict safety measures and guidelines. This makes railroad accidents all too common. If you or a loved one have been injured in a railroad accident, it's crucial that you file a claim through the Federal Employers' Liability Act, or FELA. When doing so, use the following advice to strengthen your claim and improve your chances of appropriate compensation. 

3 Ways to Improve Your FELA Claim After a Railroad Accident

1. Document Your Medical Visits

After any injury on the job, you should seek medical attention. Even if you feel fine, there could be underlying issues that only a trained professional can detect and diagnose. Not only does seeking medical attention help you verify your health, but it also creates a paper trail that links your physical health to your work injury. Without documentation of your medical visits, it may be hard to prove your claim of injury. In more severe cases, documentation can still help prove the extent of harm and the residual effects, so keep a careful record of all your medical visits after your injury.

2. Gather Evidence

railroad accident

The chances of a successful claim increase greatly with video evidence and witness testimony. If at all possible, obtain any security footage of the area you were working when the injury occurred, and also inquire with everyone present to find out if anyone else was filming. Also collect testimonies from anyone who was present and witnessed the accident. They can corroborate your account of the incident and grant your argument merit. Even if someone didn't see the accident, but did notice the hazard that ultimately injured you, their testimony can be valuable to your case. 

3. Focus on Accountability and Negligence

In the U.S. legal system, in order to receive restitution from an individual or institution, your case needs to determine who is accountable for the accident. This is typically done through proving negligence, or failure to take ordinary care regarding a potential hazard. When putting together your case, look for evidence that will help you prove the negligence of the party responsible for your injury, and make it clear why that party specifically should be held accountable for what happened. 


If you're looking for a lawyer to represent you after a railroad accident, reach out to Christy Ferguson in North Little Rock, AR. For over 30 years, this local law firm has worked closely with the railroad union to offer the full spectrum of legal services to railroad workers. Learn more about their services online, and call (501) 758-0278 to schedule a consultation. 
