
With summer quickly approaching, your auto maintenance routine will focus on reliability. This should include your auto cooling system, so you and your passengers will be safe and comfortable while commuting on hot days. A key component of auto cooling is the cabin air filter that traps particles before cold air flows through the vents. Here are a few signs indicating you need to replace your cabin filter. 

How to Recognize When You Need a New Cabin Air Filter

1. Unpleasant Odors

Over time, the cabin air filter will collect dust, dirt, and debris from under the hood and the environment your vehicle moves through. As these particles build up, the natural and perhaps unpleasant odors they produce will start to make their way into the cabin. These musty smells can make any ride uncomfortable, so replacement is a must. 

2. Reduced Air Flow

auto cooling

On a hot day, your car's interior can be uncomfortably warm, and your first inclination will be to put your auto cooling system on full blast. If airflow seems low or restricted, the issue may be a clogged or damaged filter blocking cold air from making its way into the cabin. When this happens, it's best to visit your auto shop to ensure it's just a clogged filter and not a mechanical issue related to the AC blower. 

3. Loud Operation Noises

When your auto cooling system is running, it's natural to hear a gentle hum as the motor blows air. However, an extremely loud operation could result from a clogged filter forcing your system to work harder to reach your desired temperature. 

4. Poor Gas Mileage

Old, clogged cabin filters put additional pressure on your cooling system and your car's engine. Your engine will use more fuel than usual to power your cooling motor and fan. Fueling with added frequency during extreme weather seasons can often be rectified by filter replacement.


If you suspect it's time for a cabin filter change in your vehicle, visit Carter Auto & Cooling in Little Rock, AR. This auto maintenance shop has served drivers across Pulaski County since 1939. You can rely on this comprehensive auto garage for all your car's needs. Visit the website for more information on their comprehensive services and commitment to quality work at affordable prices, or call (501) 374-6089 to request a quote.
