
Whether you're new to horseback riding or an experienced equestrian, you'll need gear and accessories to ensure safe and comfortable rides. Saddles are among the most important pieces of equipment, as they can provide support for riders, promote balance, and ensure control over the animal. Here's more about different types and what to consider prior to purchasing one. 

How Do Western & English Saddles Differ?

Western or riding saddles are large and made from thick, heavy leather and designed to distribute weight evenly across the back of a horse. Since the seat is deeper, it can allow riders to relax their legs, making longer rides more comfortable. The characteristic horn on the front end may permit riders to wrap a rope around it, which they can hold onto for balance and control, especially while turning the animal. The horn may also secure rope used for handling cattle on rides. 


English saddles are smaller and made from thinner, more lightweight leather. Since they do not cover as much of the horse's back, they can allow the animal to move more easily. They also feature a shallower seat with plenty of cushioning, which may enhance rider comfort. As opposed to a horn, they have a pommel, which offers very little to grab onto. 

Types to Consider 

All-purpose, or general-purpose, is a type of English saddle that is ideal for both beginners and intermediate equestrians. These products have a slightly deeper seat and rounded side flaps with no knee pads. This makes it easy for riders to shift from flatwork, or exercises performed on level ground, to jumping by simply adjusting the length of the stirrups, or straps that hold the feet in place. 

Dressage is another type of English saddle, designed for advanced equestrians competing in dressage competitions. Dressage is a French word that translates to "training," and involves guiding the horse through various movements while keeping the animal calm, stable, and attentive. Dressage products have a deep seat and long, straight side flaps, giving the horse more freedom to move and allowing riders to swiftly guide the animal. The cantle, or backrest, is higher than the pommel, which can keep riders comfortable while sitting for long periods.

Roping is a type of western saddle, featuring heavy and stable leather and a thick, durable horn. These products give riders plenty of room to move their bodies while chasing and roping cattle. Those made from suede or roughout, or leather taken from the underside of the hide, maximize the rider's grip and keep them securely on the animal. These products also have stirrups that hang forward, allowing riders to brace themselves by applying pressure to the straps with their feet. 


When you need a durable, comfortable saddle, head to Pleasant Hills Saddle Shop. They provide leather goods for horseback riding along with western wear to customers throughout Rogers, MN. Call (763) 428-8636 to ask about products in stock, and visit the website to browse their extensive inventory. 
