
If you suffer from allergies or have family members who do, it's important to take steps to reduce allergens in your home and alleviate symptoms. Regular HVAC maintenance can help this substantially. There are also a number of ways that you can further improve the overall air quality indoors.

11 Ways to Reduce Allergens in the Home

1. Use allergen-proof bedding and pillow covers.

Allergen-proof covers for mattresses, box springs, and pillows can prevent dust mites.

2. Wash bedding weekly in hot water.

Regularly laundering bedding can help kill any existing dust mites, and overall keep things fresh and clean.

3. Vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly.

Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter can remove significant amounts of dust and other clinging allergens from soft goods.

4. Keep humidity levels low with a dehumidifier.

A humidity level in the home between 30% to 50% prevents mold growth and dust mite infestations.

5. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter.

This can trap allergens in the air before they have a chance to land on any furnishings, or be breathed in.

6. Dust surfaces with a damp cloth.

Using a traditional duster can release particles back into the air. A damp cloth helps trap them. The cloth can then be laundered in hot water.

7. Keep pets out of the bedroom.

Of course it's nice to cuddle with a cat or dog, but their dander can be negatively affecting your sleep.

8. Use natural cleaning products.

Some harsh cleaning chemicals can trigger allergic reactions. Natural cleaners are gentler for your family.

9. Replace air filters regularly.

High-efficiency air filters that can trap small particles like pet dander, pollen, and dust mites.

10. Keep windows closed during high pollen days.

Stop allergens before they enter your home. Use a air quality tracker app to follow pollen counts outside, and close the windows before you start feelings effects.

11. Have your HVAC system serviced early in spring.

Regular HVAC maintenance can help keep your system clean and free from allergens, and also helps keep your heat and AC run more smoothly.

For more help in improving your indoor air quality, and professional HVAC maintenance services, contact Strongsville Heating & Air Conditioning in Strongsville, OH. They have over 30 years of experience in the industry and know how to help you improve the air in your home.Their air quality specialists can recommend a detailed strategy for improvement, tailored to your home's needs. Give them a call at  (440) 238-9080, or visit their website, to schedule an appointment.

