
When the summer heat begins to rise, it's important to make sure your air conditioning unit is functioning properly. However, sometimes it's not enough to simply repair your unit, and it may be time to replace it altogether. Here are a few indications that it's time to replace your AC. 

How to Tell You Need an AC Unit Replacement

1. AC Unit Nearing the End of Its Lifespan 

Air conditioning units have a lifespan of about 15–20 years. If your unit is reaching the end of its lifespan, it's time to start considering a replacement. Continuing to repair an old unit may end up costing you more money in the long run, as it becomes less efficient and more prone to breaking down. 

2. Increase in Energy Costs 

If you've noticed a significant increase in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage, it may be due to an inefficient air conditioning unit. Older units tend to use more energy than newer, more efficient models. Upgrading your unit can not only save you money on energy costs but also reduce your carbon footprint. 

3. Uneven Cooling 

If you find that some areas of your home are significantly cooler or warmer than others, it may be a sign that your AC unit is struggling to keep up. This may be due to a variety of factors, including a malfunctioning thermostat or clogged ducts. However, if these issues persist even after repairs, it may be best to upgrade to a newer model. A new unit can provide more even cooling throughout your home, resulting in greater comfort for you and your family. 

4. Frequent Repairs Needed 

If you find yourself calling for repairs on your air conditioning unit more than once a year, it may be more cost-effective to replace it altogether. Frequent repairs can add up quickly and may be a sign that your unit is no longer functioning as it should. 

5. Excessive Noise & Dust 

If your air conditioning unit is making a lot of noise or producing excessive dust, it may be a sign that it's time for a replacement. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, including a dirty filter or worn-out components. However, if these issues persist even after cleaning and repairs, it may be time to invest in a new unit. A new unit can provide quieter and cleaner operation, resulting in a more comfortable and healthy living environment. 

If you're experiencing any of these issues, it’s time to consider replacing your air conditioning unit. At Strongsville Heating & Air Conditioning, they’re here to help. As a trusted HVAC company in Strongsville, OH, they offer a variety of AC solutions, including installations and replacements. They’ve proudly been serving their community for over 33 years and have a team of knowledgeable NATE-certified technicians. Give them a call at (440) 238-9080 to request a quote or visit their website to find out more about their services. 
