
Flossing is an essential part of teeth cleaning which plays a vital role in your overall dental health. However, flossing isn't automatically the ticket to a healthy mouth. How and when you floss makes a major difference in the impact it has on the state of your teeth and gums. Here's what you should and shouldn't do when it comes to flossing.


Floss daily.

Teeth cleaning

Every time you eat, food particles stick to your teeth and gums. Each time you floss, you remove nearly half the plaque from your mouth, preventing it from hardening into tartar. Combining flossing nightly with brushing your teeth each morning and night creates the ideal environment for oral health.

Use a clean section for each tooth.

It may seem surprising how much floss is used during a teeth cleaning at a dental office. This is so that each tooth is flossed with a clean section. Reusing a section of floss that was already used to floss a previous tooth can actually spread bacteria and plaque from one tooth to the next.


Use force.

It's important to floss around each tooth, including beneath the gumline. However, if you encounter resistance, don't force the floss into your gums. This type of soft tissue trauma can lead to receding gums or excessive bleeding. Instead, gently wiggle the floss back and forth while applying gentle pressure until it glides beneath the gum. 

Panic over bleeding gums.

It is normal for flossing to cause bleeding gums at first. When gums are neglected for long periods of time, inflammation typically occurs. This will result in mild pain, swelling, and bleeding when floss is introduced. Keep gently flossing each night and the bleeding and discomfort will subside in a week or two.


If you're struggling to keep up with a dental hygiene routine and need to start fresh with a professional teeth cleaning, you can count on Waterford Dental Health. This compassionate team can handle all your oral health needs, including sedation, with cutting-edge technology and a calm, helpful demeanor. Visit their website or call (860) 447-2235 to schedule a consultation. 
