
If your baby is more than three months old and has a temperature higher than normal, you want to ensure that they are safe. You can provide good care before visiting their pediatrician.  Here are ways of treating your little one's fever at home. 

3 Steps in Treating Your Child's Fever

1. Observe Their Behavior 

A fever means a reading of higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Your baby's fever might be a symptom of another issue, such as a cold, ear infection, or the flu, but it is not an illness itself. In fact, it often means the body is fighting off an infection effectively. If your baby has a fever but is still alert, playing, drinking, and urinating normally, generally, there is no cause for alarm.  

2. Keep Them Comfortable


A sponge bath with lukewarm water helps cool an infant's fever. Do not bathe your little one in cold water because the body's response is to shiver, which increases the temperature. Dry off your baby immediately and put on lightweight clothing. Covering your infant with a sheet or light blanket and keeping their room cool helps them stay comfortable and avoid overheating.

3. Avoid Dehydration 

Fever often leads to dehydration when a baby doesn't receive enough fluids. To avoid dehydration and promote the body's natural cooling ability, give your infant lots of liquids. Breast milk is an excellent way to keep your baby hydrated while strengthening their immune system if they are not six months old yet. Give older babies and young children water, soft foods, clear soups, electrolyte replacement drinks and ice pops. 

If you are concerned about your baby's temperature or other symptoms, contact Greece Pediatric Medicine PLLC This locally owned clinic serves families across Monroe County, NY, and the pediatrician and her staff treat each patient with the highest standard of care. They will diagnose the fever's cause and provide the proper care for your child to give you peace of mind. Visit them online to learn more about this pediatrician's services or call (585) 504-6504 to schedule an appointment. 
