
Your water heater works hard to provide your home with hot water every day. As it ages, you may need timely water heater repair services to keep it functioning and to prevent problems from worsening. Here are some signs you need repairs.

Common Water Heater Problems

1. Odorous, Discolored, Odd-Tasting Water

Standard water heaters include sacrificial anode rods made of aluminum, zinc, or magnesium that draw bacteria, calcium, and other corrosive elements out of the water. They rust faster than the tank to protect it from premature corrosion and last about six years. If the rod has completely rusted and needs changing, you’ll notice rotten egg-like water odors indicating high sulfur bacteria levels. 

High bacteria content also turns the water a brownish color, with rust from a corroding water heater tank causing brownish-red discoloration. Sulfur bacteria contribute to rust as well and are highly corrosive. While the bacteria and rust are not inherently harmful, the foul smell and metallic taste they cause are unpleasant. 

2. Inconsistent Temperature

water heater repair

A common problem is water staying hot for a short period before becoming cold. No matter what inconsistent temperature issue you are experiencing, schedule water heater repair services to avoid further problems. 

Depending on the type of appliance you have, there is likely an issue with the electric heating element or gas burner, such as mineral buildup that is blocking the heating element. Temperature problems cause the water heater to work harder and wear out faster, resulting in higher energy costs and an untimely replacement without repair services. 

3. Strange Noises

If annual tank flushing does not occur, the minerals in water build up and harden. Sediment chunks can bang into the sides of the tank, increasing the chances of weak metal, cracks, and leaks. You’ll notice banging or rattling noises as a result. Hardened minerals can also accumulate at the bottom of the tank and trap air bubbles that make hissing noises as they turn to steam and escape through sediment cracks and gaps. Any odd sounds coming from the appliance call for water heater repairs, which can prevent severe tank damage that requires a replacement. 


If you need water heater repairs, contact Plumb Crazy Solutions to identify and fix the issue. These licensed and insured plumbers in Las Vegas, NV, offer a full suite of plumbing services to help your home remain functional and water damage-free. Call (702) 373-2050  to request a free estimate.
