
Kitchen cabinets can become covered in dust, dirt, grease, and stains during a typical day of cooking and cleaning. Over time, the resulting residue can give them a dull, discolored appearance, hiding the natural wood grain and tones beneath. Keep the following cleaning tips in mind to help your all-wood cabinets retain their original appearance for years to come.

How to Clean All-Wood Cabinets

1. Clean After Cooking

After preparing a meal, any grease or food residue that has splattered on your cabinets will still be soft and non-resistant. This makes the minutes after cooking the best time to wipe down the outer surfaces of your cabinets with a moist, soft cloth to preserve their appearance. Dip a rag in a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar and gently wipe down your cabinet doors and other surfaces to remove grease and liquids. Dry the wood after cleaning to prevent warping or damage to the finish.

all-wood cabinets

2. Dust Regularly

Steam and grease from cooking can cause dust to become caked onto the surfaces of all-wood cabinets, making it harder to clean them. You can avoid this issue by running a dry, soft, non-abrasive cloth over your cabinets at least once a week to remove dust.

If dust has formed a thick crust on your cabinets, spread a paste of baking soda and water onto the toughest accumulations and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Then, use a rag to gently scrub the area clean.

3. Use Gentle Wood Cleaning Agents

Stubborn caked-on dirt and debris may require stronger cleaning agents, such as oil-based wood soap. The molecules in oil soap loosen up dried food residue and dirt and make it easier to remove them with minimal effort. After cleaning, use furniture polish to add a protective layer to the wood and bring out its natural grain patterns.


If you’re interested in adding classic all-wood cabinets to your kitchen, reach out to Cardinal Wholesale Cabinets in Phoenix, AZ. They serve customers in Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, and the greater Phoenix area. Their all-wood cabinets are built from high-quality hardwoods and given a long-lasting finish to help them look their best and simplify cleaning efforts. Call (602) 296-5648 for a free estimate, or visit them online to learn more about their products.
