
Compact utility tractors are ideal for smaller spaces and applications, like landscaping, snow removal, and animal cleanup. Their lower horsepower and smaller size make for easy maintenance and storage, and they are favored by homeowners, farmers, and small businesses alike. Because there are a variety of options on the market today, here are some important things to know when selecting the best one for your needs and budget.


You can find both compact and subcompact utility tractors. Compact varieties are larger, with 40- to 60-horsepower engines and a weight of around 4,000 lbs. The loader can typically lift up to 2,000 lbs., and the vehicle itself can accommodate implements of up to seven feet.

Subcompacts are the most common utility tractors sold today. They offer 20 to 25 horsepower and only weigh about 1,600 pounds. You can expect the loader to lift 1,000 pounds and the vehicle to handle implements of up to four feet with ease.



To determine which option is right for you, consider the routine jobs for which you'll use the tractor. If you're regularly transporting larger loads or implements, a compact will best meet your needs. Compacts have higher capacities and larger buckets, and they have more foot and leg room for operator comfort.

A subcompact is better for lighter hauls and implements and for work that routinely requires you to get into tighter spaces. The smaller stature of these vehicles can make them easier to operate and maneuver, but their capacities and buckets will be smaller than what you'd find with a compact. However, they fold quickly—no tools are required—and they can be stored in most standard-sized garages and sheds.

Also factor in how much land you manage. If you own or care for more than five acres, a compact will provide the most benefit. If you own less than five acres, a subcompact will have all the features you need for basic tasks and land maintenance.


Start exploring your compact and subcompact options by contacting John S. Blazey Inc. Since 1935, they have been serving the Wayne County, NY, region. They sell, rent, and service a wide range of equipment, including utility tractors, zero-turn mowers, and agricultural cutters. Call (585) 394-5528 to request a quote or visit them online to view their latest inventory.
