
Now that the weather has chilled significantly, you and your family are likely to be staying indoors for most of the time. Warm and cozy, it's a wonderful reprieve from the cold and blustery elements outside. However, it's common for wildlife to seek shelter in people's homes, with the attic being one of the most common starting points. Many pest removal requests involve this area of the house. If you're worried about this, here's what you need to know.

What Are Some Common Attic Pests?

With attics, most people need pest removal for critters like raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice. When you hear pitter-pattering throughout the day, there's a good chance one of these has made its way inside. Depending on your location, bats or snakes can also be found inside.

What Kinds of Damage Can You Find? 

pest removal

If you have pests in your attic, you may notice chew marks on the walls, furniture, or wiring in the rooms on the upper floors. Although the size and extent of the marks will give pest removal experts more insight into the type of wildlife, most of the time, these will be caused by rats, mice, or squirrels. 

Raccoons have been known to do damage on a larger scale. While they can often squeeze themselves into tiny holes or cracks, they can also forcibly push and break through damaged wood and drywall.

Animal droppings and urine are another type of damage they'll leave behind. Not only is this malodorous, but these often carry diseases that can make humans sick. If you notice something that looks like pellets or rice, call a pest removal company. 

What Are Some Pest Removal Options?

While there are some traps and pest-specific poisons, the most effective way is to have a professional scour the area to determine all the potential hiding spots and then have them removed. The proper application and subsequent cleanup can be challenging for those who have never done it before.

Furthermore, it doesn't prevent the problem. After the pests are located and removed, then find any vulnerable areas in the walls, roofing, or windows and have them properly sealed up.


If you encounter any pests in your attic, Westchester Wildlife can help. Located in Holmes, NY, these trained and licensed professionals have helped protect homes and businesses throughout Westchester County for 40 years. Not only will they thoroughly examine the area to confirm which pests are there, but they'll also disinfect the area, repair any related damages, and provide protective precautions to keep future pests out. To learn more about their pest removal services, visit their website or call (914) 760-5713 today.
