
Raccoons may look cute, but these nocturnal pests can cause serious damage to your home and outdoor space. They can also spread diseases, including rabies, fleas, and parasites, like roundworm. Raccoon removal is highly recommended for infestations. Here is what you should know about raccoon control. 

Signs of a Raccoon Infestation

Since raccoons are nocturnal, they more easily escape detection than other pests. The common signs you need raccoon removal services fall into two categories: visual and audible.

Visual signs include paw prints and tracks, droppings, damaged vegetation, and broken planters. Raccoons are also notorious for digging through trash; they are often called "dumpster divers." They can create a big mess as they look for food. 

raccoon removal

You may also see scratch marks and torn holes in your house's siding or roof. Audible signs include pitter-patter on the roof, scratching and squeaking within walls, shuffling, growling, mewling, and whistling. 

Raccoon Removal and Prevention Tips

If the creatures have nested within the attic, crawlspaces or other areas of your home, raccoon removal will be necessary to get them out. Knowledgeable professionals can pinpoint their nest and many offer humane trap-and-relocate services. 

Once the raccoons have been ejected from your home, you should follow some tips to prevent future infestations. All entry points should be closed, so any exterior holes, gaps and cracks should be sealed. 

Food is a major attraction, so all trash containers should have tightly fitting lids and, in the best-case scenario, locked up out of reach. Keep pet food dishes indoors. Additionally, you can make it more difficult for raccoons to access your home by trimming back trees and shrubs.


When you need raccoon removal for an infestation, count on Varmint Eviction Wildlife Removal Services. Located in Tallahassee, FL, they provide humane animal removal services to clients across the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia, and Big Bend. The licensed, insured team understands every situation calls for unique care. To schedule service, call (850) 544-2883 or visit them online
