
It's common to see white or yellow spots on your skin, probably on your elbows, fingers, or shins. These may be skin calcifications or bumps caused by a large amount of calcium phosphate being deposited in soft tissue. Before visiting dermatologists for solutions, read this quick guide on the causes and symptoms of skin calcifications and how to treat them. 

Causes and Symptoms of Skin Calcifications 


Calcium phosphate naturally occurs in your body, helping to build bones, keep your muscles functioning, and even help with blood clotting. Skin calcifications tend to occur when high levels of calcium phosphate exist in your body and start to bind in clumps. Autoimmune diseases like lupus and arthritis can cause this, as well as cancer and kidney disease. 

You may find them in clusters in any part of your body, typically causing tenderness where the bumps occur. When popped, a white ooze will appear. Biopsies and blood tests from dermatologists can help you find out exactly if your white or yellow bumps are skin calcifications. 

How to Treat Skin Calcifications 

Dermatologists have many treatments for skin calcifications, some internal and external. Taking prescription medication to lower the amount of calcium in your body can be a viable treatment, as well as prednisone or warfarin. Lasers and physical surgery can be helpful in physically removing the white bumps. 

However, if dermatologists do not discover the root cause of your skin calcifications, they can easily grow back. This is why having complete blood tests done is an important part of skin calcification treatment. If you don't have an excess of calcium but rather are suffering from an autoimmune disease, a calcium blocker will not be helpful to your treatment. Talk with a doctor today if you are concerned about the root cause of your skin calcifications. 


If you are looking for a dermatologist in the Fishkill, NY area, choose Craig Austin Dermatology. A full-service office for both cosmetic and medical dermatology treatments, whether it be eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and even mole and wart removal, or fillers, chemical peels, and Botox, Craig Austin Dermatology has you covered. Call them today at (845) 896-6669 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their offerings. 
