
With age come changing needs surrounding health and beauty, from hair to skin and much more. While no two skin care plans are the same, there are several useful tips everyone can use to their advantage to protect and enhance their skin well into their later years. Have a look at the article below for more information.

Essential Senior Skin Care Advice

1. Quit Bad Habits

If you regularly smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, consider cutting back to help your skin thrive. Smoking often causes more and deeper wrinkles, elicits patchiness on the skin, and shortens life expectancy by about 10 years. When consumed in excess, alcohol can increase levels of inflammatory agents in the bloodstream and deplete nutrient and water levels, leaving the skin with a gray tone and hastening sagging.

2. Wear Sunscreen

skin care

Seniors are particularly vulnerable to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, which can weaken the skin and the immune system and degrade its appearance. For that reason, a critical component in every senior skin care plan should be sunscreen with a zinc oxide content of at least 7% and a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. When spending time outdoors, reapply a layer of sunscreen to exposed skin at least once every two hours.

3. Exfoliate Gently

Many skin care products include particles and chemicals that can effectively strip away excess oils, dead skin cells, and dirt, but which can be abrasive and harmful to older, thinner skin. These may leave the skin feeling painful or uncomfortable, and they can weaken it. Instead of these harsher products, use smoother, softer vitamin C-rich creams and exfoliants once a week to keep your skin healthy and glowing.


For more expert skin care advice and treatments, turn to Craig Austin Dermatology in Fishkill, NY. Dr. Austin and his team offer a full range of custom treatment plans, recommended products, and advice to keep skin looking healthy and radiant at every age. Call (845) 896-6669 to schedule a consultation, and visit the website to learn more.
