
Skin cancer is more common than many people think. What seems like a harmless mole or blemish on your skin can actually be the first signs of cancer. Booking skin cancer screenings with a dermatologist is the best way to catch cancer early while it’s treatable. Here are several reasons to get a screening.

Why Should You Schedule Skin Care Screenings?

1. Everyone Is at Risk

Skin cancer is caused by damaging UV radiation in sunlight. This means that everyone is susceptible to developing a tumor. Over 9,500 people are diagnosed in the U.S. every day, so whether or not you have a family history of cancers, you may still develop skin cancer. During screenings, a dermatologist will carefully examine skin blemishes all over your body. They may then take small samples of them to test if they’re cancerous.

2. Risk Increases With Age

skin cancer screening

One in five Americans will develop cancer by the age of 70, often because risk increases with age. You’re likely exposed to the sun every day. The more days you’re alive, the more sun exposure, increasing your risk year over year. People of all skin types are susceptible, and professionals advise that you should start receiving screenings at the age of 18. Going forward, you should receive a screening once a year. This can be done more often if you work outside or are exposed to sunlight, or immediately if you notice a new blemish or mole on your skin.

3. Early Treatment Is Effective

Like many cancers, the earlier it’s caught, the earlier treatment is. The cancer may not have had a chance to move elsewhere in your body and reproduce yet. Because it’s localized, professionals can easily remove cancerous tumors. This is why the five-year survival rate for skin cancer is 99% when it’s caught earlier. 


If you’re due for a skin cancer screening, trust the team at Craig Austin Dermatology. Based in Fishkill, NY, this health care practice provides a wide range of treatments and cosmetic enhancements. After your screening, discuss anti-aging solutions like chemical peels, BOTOX, or fillers. Dr. Craig Austin will then ensure you have the products and resources needed to maintain healthy skin. Call (845) 896-6669 to schedule a screening and visit their website to learn more about the practice.
