Government Office
City of Florissant
955 Rue Saint Francois St, Florissant, MO 63031-4925

About City of Florissant

If you’re a resident of Florissant, MO, voice your concerns and take an active part in your local city government by visiting the City of Florissant government office. Here, you can participate in city council meetings and local organizations. Their friendly staff can help you learn more about the town and assist you with any needs that you may have.

Currently, the city council board consists of nine people but residents are encouraged to apply to fill vacant seats. In addition to voting for local issues and participating in city government meetings, you can also voice your questions or concerns about road repairs, park maintenance, or general ordinances. 

Their government offices retain public information, including court records, voting locations and election results, committee meeting minutes, and more. Get the information you need about Florissant, MO, when you visit them today.

For more information regarding the city government services they offer or to find out how you can get involved in your community, call the City of Florissant office today at (314) 921-5700 or visit their website. You can also follow them on Facebook or Twitter for news and updates.
