
If you’ve always wanted to have a pet, but aren’t fond of cats or dogs, a bird could be the companion for you. From parrots to parakeets to budgies, several different species of birds are available for an extremely fulfilling pet-owning experience. To better introduce you to the idea, here are a few facts to know about owning a feathered friend and how to provide optimal bird care.  

5 Facts to Know About Owning a Pet Bird

1. They Have Long Lives

On average, many avian life spans stretch between 25 to 50 years—much longer than the average house pet. When provided with the very best in bird care, parrots can live as long as 100 years.  

2. They Follow a Tight Schedule

Compared to some other animal companions, birds are fairly low-maintenance. But you will have to get used to your feathered friend’s particular schedule. In general, they rise early with the sun and need to be fed soon after. And since these creatures need about 12 hours of good sleep, you will likely need to cover their cage well before your own bedtime.

3. They Are Smart and Social

bird careWhile birds may have relatively small brains, they are incredibly smart. With proper bird care, you can train them to learn a variety of cute tricks. In addition to their intelligence, these creatures also have an immense capacity to affectionately bond with their owners. In many cases, they enjoy accompanying owners on trips and gentle petting.  

4. They Are Very Sensitive to Fumes   

Birds have very complex respiratory systems that allow them to take in more oxygen with every breath. But because of this capability, certain fumes can be toxic and even fatal to them. Bird owners must avoid exposing the animal to toxic fumes in household items like Teflon, scented candles, and air fresheners.

5. They Like to Dance

By nature, birds are very animated creatures, especially the smaller species. Still, many people are surprised to learn that these pets are big fans of music. Many birds will bob their heads and dance to the beats of a song. However, some species have particular tastes. For example, parrots tend to like rock-and-roll, but aren’t so fond of electronic music.


If you are planning on adopting a bird, The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI, can provide your creature companion with all the specialized care they need to stay healthy. Staffed by an experienced avian veterinarian, this animal hospital is equipped to provide both general and emergency bird care to all common species, including parrots and parakeets. Visit this veterinarian online to learn more about these comprehensive services, or call (808) 946-5096 to schedule an appointment.
