
If you have missing or extracted teeth, there are two primary options for replacement: dental implants or bridges. An implant is a false tooth that connects to the jawbone with a titanium post. A dental bridge is a false tooth that is suspended between two crowns. The crowns are placed over the natural teeth on either side of the false tooth. To help you decide which option is best, here is a guide to each procedure’s cost, maintenance, and durability.

3 Main Differences Between Dental Implants & Dental Bridges

1. Cost

Since dental implants require surgical intervention, they typically cost more than dental bridges. Additionally, most dental insurance plans cover bridges but not implants. However, since bridges need to be occasionally replaced due to wear, a dental implant may be more cost-effective in the long run.

2. Maintenance

dental implantsYou can easily brush and floss an implant like a natural tooth; however, it is more challenging to do this around a bridge. Fortunately, patients with bridges can use special dental care products, such as floss threaders, to keep their teeth clean and healthy.

3. Durability

An implant placed by a reliable dentist can last a lifetime. On the other hand, a dental bridge must be replaced every 5 to 15 years, depending on how well it is maintained. Since implants feature strong titanium posts, they resist tooth decay and gum disease, while the portion of natural teeth under a bridge remains susceptible to oral issues.


Whether you choose an implant or bridge, trust the team at Dentaworks Hawaii to restore the smile you deserve. Serving Honolulu for over 30 years, Dr. Douglas Chang, DDS, and his team practice gentle, comprehensive family dentistry. They offer dental implants and bridges, as well as cleanings, teeth whitening treatments, and dentures. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 528-1200 to schedule an appointment.
