
Renting a roll-off dumpster will allow you to minimize general clutter or get rid of debris following a construction project. The roll-off dumpster is different from traditional varieties in that it features an open top. It’s also available in a number of sizes, making it a practical choice no matter how much you plan to throw out. Municipalities have rules determining what can and can’t be disposed, however, so brush up on this list of permissible items in Hawaii before you start tossing.

4 Items You Can Safely Toss In a Roll-Off Dumpster

1. Appliances

It’s time to finally get rid of the age-old appliances sitting in the basement. You can dispose of appliances in a roll-off dumpster, so long as they don’t contain any refrigerants or other hazardous materials. If your appliance does contain a contaminant of some sort, a professional can safely remove it for you.

Honolulu, HI roll-off-dumpster2. Construction

Renovation projects usually result in a fair amount of hefty junk. Items like carpeting, yard debris, wood, drywall, siding, roofing, insulation, and other materials are perfectly safe to throw out. Bear in mind, though, that a heavy material like concrete may require a specific dumpster that can support its weight.

3. Furniture

Bid farewell to the unused coffee table or broken desk that’s taking up valuable space. You can toss furniture, but keep in mind that some landfills may charge an extra fee if you throw away a mattress. Your dumpster service can confirm this before you dispose of it.

4. Electronics

Have you held onto the computer from the 1990s or the broken printer because you didn’t know what to do with them? You can safely dispose of electronic waste products in a roll-off dumpster, according to the Honolulu Department of Environmental Services.


If you’re cleaning house, remodeling, or doing extensive yard work, you’ll appreciate having a roll-off dumpster on the premises. Trust the team at Honolulu Disposal Service, the leading source for disposal containers in Hawaii, to provide you with the perfect receptacle for your needs. They offer a variety of sizes and provide service every day of the week. You can even request same-day delivery if you call early. Visit their website to view sizing options, and call (808) 845-7581 to request a quote.
