
Moving a loved one into a senior living facility is a tough transition to make. While it might provide a better level of care, the loss of independence and connection with their family could cause them feel sad or lonely. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to increase the ease of the move and help them to settle in. Here’s a closer look to help you determine the best approach. 

3 Ways to Help a Loved One Adjust to a Senior Living Facility

1. Meet the Neighbors

senior living

Community is a key benefit of moving into one of these facilities. Everyone is living close together, often on a single floor, and has plenty of opportunities to interact. 

Making a point to walk around with your loved one on the first day and meet some of their neighbors could help them to feel less alone. It’ll give them a chance to establish a relationship and begin building their own circle of friends. 

2. Visit Often

It can feel like total abandonment for those who don’t get a lot of visitors. Rather than dropping them off and carrying on with your life, schedule time during the week to drop by. 

Call them frequently to check in and express excitement about the coming visit. Make plans, such as going for a walk or working on a puzzle, so they have something to look forward to.

3. Be Ready to Listen

Sometimes, talking through their frustrations is enough to help a loved one during a transition. It provides a way to process the change and gives them a chance to become accustomed to their new surroundings. 

If they’re calling during an inconvenient time, take it and let them know that you’ll call them right back. Let them talk for as long as they need to without interjecting, and help them to focus on the positives once they finish.


Start planning your loved one's transition to senior living by working with St. Charles Community in Covington, KY. They have more than 60 years in the business and commit to providing a comfortable place to live complete with quality nursing care and exceptional senior resources. Their team is highly skilled and works closely with their residents to ensure that they have all the necessities. Call (859) 331-3224 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for additional information on their services. 
