
As a business owner, you understand how crucial it is to keep your bottom line in mind in all decisions. You might think that means avoiding all extra expenses, including building maintenance. But investing in routine checkups and repairs for your property will actually increase your return on investment, or ROI.

How Building Maintenance Improves ROI

Spending a bit of money every month to ensure your property is in optimum condition will benefit your bottom line in multiple ways. The amount you’ll spend on routine cleanings and checkups will be far less than it would be to repair or replace a major feature like flooring or HVAC equipment. With routine maintenance, you can also pinpoint minor issues before they develop into significant ones.

building maintenanceKeeping your building in good shape will improve potential clients’ opinions of your company. Prospective customers are far more likely to do business with you if they feel you run a respectable operation.

When the premises are clean, your employees benefit as well. A tidy office decreases job dissatisfaction and sickness, making it easier for employees to work hard.

What Your Building Maintenance Routine Should Include

Have a professional maintenance service come to survey the property at least once a month. During these appointments, they should check the status of all your major utilities, such as the plumbing and electrical fixtures. They should also inspect entry points and windows for any signs of damage to minimize increases in utility costs. Finally, have them do a deep cleaning of the entire premises, including the walls and flooring, to get rid of harmful debris and bacteria. 


If you need help with building maintenance, turn to the team at Kleenco Group in Honolulu, HI. With almost 50 years of experience handling everything from tile restoration to window cleaning, they have the skills and expertise needed to ensure your business runs smoothly. Visit their website to learn more about what they do, and call (808) 831-7600 to schedule an appointment today. 
