
It’s tempting to dive straight into your swimming pool when warm spring weather arrives. However, it’s best to take a few precautionary steps first to prepare the pool. This general maintenance helps create the cleanest swimming conditions and ensures no aspect of your pool is damaged. Here are several pool care tips to follow.

How to Care for Your Pool This Spring

1. Clean the Cover

If you keep your pool covered through winter, the first step is to remove the cover. Slowly fold or roll it from one end of the pool to the other, being careful that you don’t step on it. It’s helpful to have someone working opposite you, so it folds evenly. As you move along, clear any debris that has collected and try to keep it from getting in the pool water.

2. Shock the Water

swimming pool

It's best to shock the water before swimming this spring. It prevents harmful bacteria and algae from staining plaster pool walls and discoloring the water. Potassium monopersulphate and calcium hypochlorite are both EPA-approved chemicals found in shock compounds. Swimming in a freshly shocked pool must be done after 24 hours, so it's best to do it in the evening on a weekday when no one else will be swimming.

3. Clean Filters

As pool water circulates through the pump, filters capture debris. Whenever these clog, the pump struggles to circulate water. As a result of blockages, the pump overworks and gradually wears down its parts as a result. Check your pool filter immediately after winter and once a week going forward. It may be necessary to do this more frequently if your pool is filled with a lot of leaves and other debris.


Take the stress out of swimming pool care by working with the team at Don Marcum’s Pool Care. Serving Cincinnati, OH, and surrounding communities since 1967, these professionals specialize in pool maintenance and provide a wide range of products and services. Whether you need pool supplies, a new pool cover, or hot tub maintenance, call (513) 561-7050 to speak with a sales associate. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
