
If your child is struggling in school, there are a variety of solutions to help them improve. You may be surprised to learn one of these is karate, which helps kids develop a wide range of skills that will positively impact their academic performance. The instructors at Iron Dragon Fitness & Self Defense in Middletown, NY, are dedicated to helping their students master skills that will help them succeed, both in the studio and in life.

Here are three ways karate will benefit your child in the classroom:

  • karateIt Builds Discipline: All martial arts view discipline as a vital source of success. With karate classes, your child is placed in a structured environment and must adhere to rules, much like in school. Successful students complete their studying and homework even with other distractions at hand, traits that require signifiant discipline. Karate builds this skill by teaching students how to balance structure, follow instructions, and manage self-control. 
  • It Improves Focus: Nowadays, it’s all too easy for kids to get distracted by technology, which makes focusing on daily assignments difficult. Good grades require focus, however, which means kids must learn to balance their work with outside distractions. Karate classes require that same focus. Your child must pay close attention to master new skills, and martial arts instructors make concentration a vital part of every class. 
  • It Builds Cognitive Function: All forms of physical activity boost cognitive function and development, and karate is an active sport that blends intensive movement, balance, and cardio in one workout. As they practice the martial arts, your child’s memory and attention span will improve, which will translate into higher grades in school.

The martial arts professionals at Middletown’s Iron Dragon Fitness & Self Defense pride themselves on improving the power of both the body and the mind, which is vital for academic success. The skills emphasized in karate extend much further than the studio and are applicable to all areas of life. Visit their website or Facebook page to learn more, or call (845) 342-3413 to enroll your child in karate classes today.
