
While useful as a general term, the phrase ‘martial arts’ is only a starting point in exploring the vast world of self-defense sports. Individuals interested in taking lessons will need to delve deeper. Here’s a closer look at some of the many disciplines you can choose between.

What Makes These Martial Arts Disciplines Different?

1. Karate

Karate is one of the most recognized self-defense disciplines. Developed in Japan from kung fu roots, it’s now practiced worldwide. It was approved as an Olympic sport in 2016. There are two components to competition karate: Katas, which are scripted combinations of movements performed in a flowing motion, and sparring (Kumite). It uses the entire body and includes a wide variety of skills, from kicking to open-handed strikes. 

2. Tae Kwon Do

martial arts

One of the oldest martial arts, Tae Kwon Do, originated in Korea. The name can be roughly translated as ‘foot fist discipline.’ This type of martial art is known for its systematic approach, scientific methods, and its core philosophy about the unity of mind and body. 

It uses a wide variety of kicks, including versions performed while jumping and spinning. While the physical motions involved can look intimidating, students of the art are taught to focus on using their skills to promote peaceful resolutions to conflict. 

3. Hapkido

While most martial arts disciplines focus on unarmed movements, Hapkido often incorporates weapons such as ropes and swords. Originally taught in Korea, its users focus on footwork and body positioning. Common techniques include joint locks, hand strikes, and kicks. 

Focused on self-defense, it’s designed to be useful against armed and unarmed opponents. Students are also trained in long-range maneuvers, as well as grappling techniques. 


If you’re interested in learning more about martial arts, contact Iron Dragon Fitness & Self Defense in Middletown, NY. Offering classes for adults and children, they welcome students of all skill levels. From calming Ki Moo Do to structured after school programs, there’s a discipline to suit everyone. Call (845) 342-3413 with any questions, or read more about their martial arts offerings online
