What Beginners Should Expect From a Martial Arts Program
Combining physical fitness, self-defense, and mental endurance, martial arts is a unique practice for any person looking to gain a deeper respect for their bodies. But, since there are many stereotypes that surround karate, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, and other techniques, it can be hard to know what to expect when you’re just starting out. If you are interested in becoming a martial arts student, here are a few key aspects newcomers should understand.
Do Expect:
To learn an ancient art.
Martial arts are codified systems of combat that are deeply rooted in history from various areas of the world. As you begin your studies, you will not just learn about specific techniques — you will also come to understand the principles that ancient practitioners used to develop confidence, respect, and perseverance.
A better understanding of your body.
From palm-heel strikes to roundhouse kicks, the movements required for martial arts depend on using your entire body. Throughout your practice, you will discover how every part of your body works together to produce remarkable strength, precision, and flexibility.
A focus on discipline.
Martial arts classes are led by experienced masters who guide students through every aspect of training as they advance their skills. To progress, students must come to respect their instructors and adhere to the teachings they deliver.
Don’t Expect:
Free-for-all fighting.
Although martial arts involves several combat techniques, it is not solely focused on aggressive fighting. Instead, you will learn how to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent and use them to your advantage. Self-defense isn’t just about attacking either — it’s also learning how to evade opponents to minimize injury and compete in a dignified fashion.
To perform flawlessly without practice.
While you may want to immediately take down an opponent or break a wood plank in half, it will likely take some time before you achieve these goals. Through committed practice, however, you will develop better control over your body — as well as a deeper understanding of combat — that will eventually help you move with confidence and accuracy.
An easy workout.
While experienced martial artists can make the practice look easy, training to get to that point involves a lot of work. As you start your practice, you should expect to engage in physical activity that requires strength and endurance. Staying well-rested, following a healthy diet, stretching, and practicing regularly will help you perform your best.
Dedicated to making martial arts accessible to all, Iron Dragon Fitness & Self-Defense is a premier resource for all those looking to enhance their confidence and physical abilities. Located in Middletown, NY, this school offers karate lessons, sword training, and other martial arts classes to students of all ages. Whatever your level, you can trust that these master instructors will help you realize your potential through in-depth training. Visit the studio online to learn more about their upcoming classes or call (845) 342-3413 for questions about enrollment.