3 Ways Martial Arts Improves Flexibility
Taking classes in martial arts won’t only prepare you to defend yourself if needed, but it’s also a great way to stay active. Learning different kicks, strikes, and blocking positions provide a full-body workout. The techniques used before and during lessons help condition muscles in the following ways, including improving flexibility.
How You’ll Become More Flexible by Practicing Martial Arts
1. Stretching Teaches Muscles New Extension Limits
Practicing regular stretching exercises before martial arts improves flexibility to prevent soreness and tears. The movements increase muscle length to a certain point before the myotatic, or stretch, reflex kicks in. Often felt as a slight strain of burning sensation, the myotatic reflex causes muscles to tighten and attempt to contract to prevent damage. Regular stretching increases muscle extension limits before you feel the myotatic reflex.
2. Executing Movements Relies on Complete Range of Motion
To complete a kick or strike requires dynamic flexibility. This is the ability to bring arms and legs through their entire range of motion in joints. Dynamic stretching of the limbs, including squats, lunges, and rotational swings, warm up different muscle groups to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.
3. Maintaining Positions Helps Muscles Grow Stronger
Executing and holding a pose for extended periods can be difficult at first. The discomfort subsides and active flexibility of muscles improves the more you practice. If the position requires active stretching, it relies on the use of agonist muscles. These muscles facilitate the normal range of movement in joints, which is necessary to extend limbs and hold them in place.
If you want to try martial arts to improve flexibility, contact the instructors at Iron Dragon Fitness & Self Defense. Based in Middletown, NY, the studio provides karate classes for kids and adults to increase alertness, build strong muscles, and improve self-esteem. To enroll in karate lessons, call (845) 342-3413. You can also visit their website to learn more about their classes, including sword training.