
Bikes are a great alternative to cars because they have minimal environmental impact and force riders to become more active. Learning about the rules of the road can make riding a bike a lot easier and safer for everyone. Before hitting the road, get yourself acquainted with a few safety tips to keep you unscathed.

5 Safety Tips for Riding Bikes

1. Ride a Bike Like Driving a Car

Bikes are light and compact, but they shouldn’t be treated any differently than a car. Ride in the same direction as traffic, and obey the signs. Use marked bike paths whenever they’re available, and don’t be tempted to ride on sidewalks, as those are reserved for riders under the age of 12.

2. Wear the Right Safety Gear

bikesSafety gear may not be stylish, but they are a necessity if you want to avoid accidents and injuries. Wear a helmet to protect your head, as well as knee and elbow pads if you’re new to riding a bike. Sport bright colored shirts by day and reflective clothing at night to increase your visibility to other motorists.  

3. Bike in a Single File

Don’t be tempted to ride alongside other riders. Stay in a single file, and ride on the right side of the road at all times. Stay in a straight line to make it easier for other motorists to drive around you. If you’re riding on a narrow road, ride in the middle of the lane for maximum visibility.

4. Use Signals

All signals must be done using the left hand. Extend your left arm, and make sure it’s parallel to the ground to signal a left turn. Extend the left arm with the elbow bent upwards to signal a right turn. To slow down, extend the left arm with the elbow bent downwards and your index finger pointing to the ground. Communicating with other motorists can minimize accidents, so make a habit of using signals.

5. Know the Local Laws

In the state of Missouri, cyclists are not allowed to ride on any part of the federal state highway. Cyclists also have the same rights and obligations as motorists. You are allowed to ride on the far left or the far right of the road as needed for safety. Being familiar with local laws helps you avoid accidents with devastating results and potent fines.

When properly maintained, bikes can be a dependable mode of transportation. For reliable bike repair and assembly, call Jim’s Bike & Key Shop at (573) 442-7011. Based in Columbia, MO, this bike shop has over 35 years of experience in excellent repair and maintenance. Visit the website to learn more about the bicycle services available.
