
While many people prefer to ride a bike when the weather is warm and sunny, if you are committed and ride during the winter, you know that the experience changes significantly. Even though it may be colder, you can still explore beautiful trails and get fresh air and exercise. However, staying safe during this time requires you to take some extra precautions. Below are several strategies to follow.

What Should You Do When Riding a Bike During Winter?

1. Check Tire Pressure

The pressure in your tires drops during cold weather. This occurs because the air molecules slow down and bind together. This can cause the tires to be underinflated, increasing your risk of an accident and making peddling much harder. Before you leave, check the pressure and inflate the tires to the lowest end of the recommended range. This gives you more flexibility when riding, ensuring the tires maintain contact with the ground and helping you grip the road.

2. Use Reflective Gear


Since the sun sets earlier during the winter, you may find that you are suddenly riding in the dark. This can make it hard to see you cycling, especially if you are on the road, so add reflective materials to your bike and clothes. This ensures drivers and other cyclists can see you easily, reducing the risk of an accident. Also, consider adding lights to the bicycle to increase your visibility while riding.

3. Stick to Safe Roads

While snow isn't as common in Missouri, if it is in the expected forecast, stick to roads that have been treated by the local municipality. Whether the road has salt or sand on it, these substances encourage ice to melt and give you more traction. If you are planning to wait to use the bike, pick a day where the sun is out, as this helps the snow and ice melt faster. If you encounter an icy area, slow down using only your back brakes, as this prevents you from losing control. If you start to spin or fishtail, stop the bicycle with your feet.

4. Ride Defensively

Since drivers are not as aware of cyclists during winter, try to make eye contact with them before crossing a street or changing lanes. Use hand signals to improve your visibility and do not move or cross until you feel the intersection is safe, even if you would normally have the right of way. While defensive riding is important throughout the year, it is essential during winter due to the changing road conditions.


If you need help repairing your bike and getting it ready for winter adventures, contact Jim’s Bike & Key Shop in Columbia, MO. Since 1977, they have been offering bicycle assembly and repair services. They also sell new bikes and provide locksmithing assistance, whether you need to access a safe or get a new key. Call (573) 442-7011 to speak with a team member, and visit the website for more information about their services.
