
While you’ll gain all of the industry knowledge you need to know in cosmetology school, becoming a cosmetologist also calls for certain intrinsic qualities. Chances are you already have these characteristics if you’re drawn to the field, but there are also ways to hone them if you don’t. Here are a few of the top features that will make you an excellent cosmetologist.  

What Characteristics You'll Need to Become a Cosmetologist 

1. Creativity 

Being a cosmetologist will allow you to channel your creative side. Whether a client is looking for suggestions to change up their hairstyle or you’re applying makeup before a big party, you’ll find many more opportunities to use your imagination than you might in a traditional office setting. One way to exercise creativity is to practice looks at home, either on yourself or friends.

2. Communication Skills

Cosmetologists need very strong communication skills to ensure they achieve their clients’ precise vision. This means asking questions to get clarity on expectations, and also listening closely when clients describe what they’re looking for. If you’re ever unclear on something, don’t assume; it’s always best to ask more follow-up questions. 

3. Organization

cosmetology school Boston MA

Most salon owners expect their stylists to maintain a neat station. Even if you don’t work in someone else’s salon, staying organized will help to ensure you always have all of the tools you need. You might even learn additional organizational skills for opening up your own salon while in cosmetology school, such as keeping track of expenses and revenue.

4. Dedication

Even if you love doing hair, nails, makeup, or another branch of cosmetology, you’ll still need a lot of dedication to make it through the workday. You might have a day when your schedule is packed and you hardly have a moment to sit down. Fortunately, loving what you do can make tough days more bearable. 

5. Time Management

You’ll get practice performing different skills in cosmetology school, so you’ll eventually know how long it takes you to complete tasks like cuts, colors, full highlights, or manicures. With that said, you’ll need to monitor your time closely to make sure you’re not running behind and keeping other clients waiting. 


If you think you could be the perfect candidate for cosmetology school, turn to Jupiter Beauty Academy in Boston, MA. Accredited by the American Association of Cosmetology Schools, this academy offers several programs for students to become licensed cosmetologists, including hair, skin, and nail care. See their full list of programs online or call (617) 288-1811 to find out about enrollment.
