
Deer on roadways pose a risk to even the safest drivers. In fact, there are nearly two million animal-related collisions annually. These incidents end up costing upwards of $8 billion in associated costs, including auto body collision repair and medical treatment. If you find yourself in such a stressful situation, follow these steps. 

5 Steps to Take After a Deer Collision

1. Move Off the Roadway

Deer pose the biggest threat after dark when a driver's visibility is reduced. Unfortunately, the darkness makes it harder for other drivers to see you, too. For that reason, it's best to first move as far over on the shoulder as safely possible and turn on the vehicle's hazards to alert other drivers of your presence on the road. If you have reflective cones or flares, place them on the road as well. 

2. Contact Authorities

auto body collision repairIf the animal survived, it will likely react aggressively out of fear. As such, contact local authorities to handle the deer and clear the scene. Wait in the car until authorities arrive to prevent coming into contact with the animal and potentially getting hurt yourself.

3. Document the Incident

Documentation is essential after a deer collision. Take videos and images of the scene after the authorities have arrived to ensure the animal won’t attack. Photos and videos are helpful when working with your insurance.

4. Seek Repairs

Exterior damage is incredibly common after hitting a deer, so the need for auto body collision repair is likely. Impact with such a large animal can also cause mechanical and structural issues. Many of these damages are hidden and may not be obvious right away, such as auto alignment issues. Therefore, request a full vehicle inspection. If issues are severe, request a tow to the auto body shop. 

5. File a Claim

Wildlife collisions are commonly covered under auto insurance policies, so filing a claim can save you money. Contact your provider as soon as possible after the incident to start the process. Remember to provide them with photos and pictures from the accident, as well as the police report. 

If you encounter a deer collision, turn to Schaller Jacobson Collision and Automotive Repair for quality auto body collision repairs. Drivers across La Crosse County, WI, have relied on the local shop for dependable and affordable work since 2000. Learn more about their collision and auto repair services online, and call (608) 788-2545 to schedule an appointment.
