
The sciatic nerve travels between the lower back and lower legs and plays an essential role in communicating messages from the body to the brain. However, given its length, it's often prone to becoming compressed or irritated, resulting in a group of symptoms known as sciatica. Pain relating to this issue usually starts in the spine and radiates through the hips and buttocks and down the leg on one side of the body. The discomfort can be extremely disruptive to daily life. Fortunately, you can relieve or minimize symptoms by practicing these three stretches. 

What Stretches Help Relieve Sciatica Pain?

1. Hip Flexor

The hip flexors stretch down each side of the lower back to the top of the thigh. These muscles play integral roles in all types of lower body movements, such as cycling, sitting, and walking. When they're overused, they can tighten and spasm, placing pressure against the sciatic nerves. 


Loosen the hip flexors and alleviate nerve pressure by sitting upright on the floor and connecting the soles of your feet to form a diamond shape with the legs. Lean forward and reach the arms toward the floor in front of you while gradually pushing each knee closer to the ground.  

2. Hamstring

Hamstrings are found on the back of each thigh and help keep the legs stable and flexible when you’re on your feet. Too much activity can cause these muscles to compress against sciatic nerves, resulting in pain. 

To stretch out a hamstring, sit upright with the affected leg sticking out in front of you. Draw the other leg inward so it forms a triangle with the sole of the foot pressing against the opposite thigh. While you keep your spine aligned, slowly reach to the tip of the extended foot. As you lean forward, the hamstring should become more flexible, alleviating leg and back pain. 

3. Knee to Opposite Shoulder 

Piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscles in the buttocks contract and press against the sciatic nerve. Stretching your knees to the opposite shoulders can release some tension and make the tissues more flexible. 

Lie on your back with both legs extended straight out. Pull one leg toward you until you can clasp your hands around the knee. Stay flat on your back, and gently guide the knee to the shoulder on the opposite side of the body. Hold the pose for about 30 seconds, release the leg, and repeat the stretch on the other side.


Discuss additional stretches and treatment options with Dr. Antonio Crisci, DC, at American Health Chiropractic in Milford, OH. This chiropractor has been serving patients throughout Cincinnati for over 25 years. Dr. Crisci and his team use advanced techniques and tools to target the source of your sciatica and provide guided care to relieve and prevent pain and symptoms. Visit this provider online to learn more about their chiropractic care services, or call (513) 576-6699 to schedule a free consultation.
