
Lots of people entertain the idea of going to a psychic to gain a little insight, but the spooky factor can be a little intimidating for people who aren’t familiar with modern psychics! Successful local Cincinnati psychic, Kimberly Thomas, of Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, fields many questions about her job and about what really happens during a spiritual counseling session.

While many people think of a psychic and picture walls draped in velvet and some sort of shadowy figure hunched over a glass ball, that’s not really the way Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions does business. According to Kimberly, visiting a psychic isn’t so different psychicfrom visiting a translator, and in many ways, what she does is more like translating than anything else. 

Kimberly has the unique ability to hear, feel, and see messages from the other side. Then, she relays them to her clients. Each appointment is unique in the same way that any conversation between two people is unique, but unlike a regular conversation, the messages Kimberly receives are up to you to interpret. When in communication with the other side, she might suddenly receive the name “Paul” and see the image of an apple, but she might not know that it just so happens you have an Uncle Paul who grew up on an orchard. In reality, the messages she’s getting are meant for you and not for her.

According to Kimberly, the divine can be unpredictable, and while some messages come through in complete sentences and thoughts, others are sometimes out of order or missing identifying pieces of information. She recommends that her clients bring a notebook and pen with them to their appointment, so they can jot down names, dates, places, and numbers as they come and look at them later. It’s very common for a message to sound jumbled in the moment and then, become clear when you take the time and look back over what was said.

From her clairvoyant readings to her medical intuitive readings, Kimberly makes all of her clients feel welcomed and at home. If you’re ready to discover what Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions can do for you, give her a call at (513) 827-0319, or visit her online.
